Paint with all the colours of the wind...

A free-spirited Hrothgal adventuring across the world while keeping a visual guide of all she sees.


■ RACE & CLAN: Xbr’aal
■ GENDER: AFAB Non-Binary, Genderfluid
■ NAMEDAY: 31st Day of the 5th Umbral Moon
■ ORIENTATION: Demisexual, Bisexual, Polyamourous
■ MARITAL STATUS: In a Relationship (Loyal Jackal)
■ CITIZENSHIP: Turali, Ul'dahn
■ RESIDENCE: Lake Toari, Xak Tural; the Goblet, Ul'dah
■ OCCUPATION: Artist, Performer
■ HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 5'3" (160.02cm)/142 ponze (64.41kg)
■ ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good

Physical Appearance

■ EYES: Bright Aquamarine
■ HAIR: White
■ SKIN: Lightly Tanned
■ FUR: White
■ BUILD: Petite, Lithe, Athletic, Boyish
■ VOICE: Alto, Melodic
■ BEARING: Animated, Confident, Lithe
■ LATERALITY: Ambidextrous
■ SCARS: None
■ MARKINGS: Leopard Spots
■ STYLE: Functional & Stylish

Psychological Information

A bubbly and optimistic artist/performer radiates positivity and enthusiasm, infusing every interaction with joy and excitement. Their energetic personality naturally draws people in, making them a magnet for social gatherings and collaborative projects. They possess a boundless imagination and a zest for life, often viewing challenges as opportunities for growth and creativity. This individual is driven by a deep passion for their art, which fuels their relentless pursuit of new experiences and innovative expressions. Their optimism is not just a surface trait but a core aspect of their resilience, allowing them to bounce back from setbacks with a smile and a renewed sense of purpose.In their professional life, this artist/performer thrives in environments where they can freely express their creativity and connect with others. They are adept at using their charisma to inspire and uplift those around them, whether through their performances, artwork, or daily interactions. Their unwavering belief in the beauty of life and the goodness of people often translates into their work, which tends to be vibrant, hopeful, and deeply human. Despite the inherent challenges of the artistic world, their optimistic outlook and bubbly nature help them maintain a positive trajectory, continuously finding joy in both the process and the results of their endeavours.

Vocal Information

Their voice, with its melodic quality, often goes unnoticed by them, except when they're singing. Its alto tones, blended with a hint of tenor, have a soothing effect on many, especially when they're not in an excitable state.The tonal qualities of their voice, a reflection of their earnestness and concern, often lead to a peculiar phenomenon. People, almost instinctively, place their trust in them, opening up and revealing their innermost thoughts and feelings far sooner than they would with others.

Personal Information

■ PROFESSION: Artist, Performer
■ HOBBIES: Acrobatics, Acting, Astrology, Philosophising, Reading, Research, Art Appreciation, Painting, Music (Appreciation, Writing), Singing, Dancing, Storytelling, Jewelcrafting, Weaving, Woodworking, Writing
■ LANGUAGES: Eorzean, Turalan
■ RESIDENCE: The Goblet, Ul'dah
■ BIRTHPLACE: Lake Toari, Xak Tural
■ FEARS: Darkness, Captivity
■ Weaponry: 1H Swords, Chakrams, Magicked Brushes, Nouliths


extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganised / organised / in between
close minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unemphatic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / un-cultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between


● Favoured alcoholic beverage: Fruity Cocktails
● Favoured food: Chocolate
● Favoured weather or season: Thunderstorms
● Favoured colour: Darkwood Green
● Other Favourites: Music, cooking, rolanberry mead
● Least favourite drink: Lemonade
● Least favourite food: Lemons
● Least favourite weather or season: Winter
● Least favourite colour: Orange

Basic Stats

● High: Dexterity, Charisma, Intelligence
● Above Average: Stamina, Perception, Wits
● Average: Appearance
● Low: Manipulation, Strength

Aetheric Stats

● Mastery: Aetherology, Esoterica, Pictomancy
● Expert: Conjury, Cosmology, Kriegstanz, Thaumaturgy
● Average: Astrology, Archanima
● Novice: Dark Arts, Occult

Weapon Stats

● Mastery: Fencing, Painting
● Expert: Chakrams, Daggers, Hand-to-Hand
● Average: Bows, Firearms
● Novice: Axes, Heavy Swords, Lances, Scythes

Combat-Related Stats

● High: Melee, Ranged Weapons
● Above Average: Martial Arts, Thrown Weapons
● Average: Archery, Stealth, Survival
● Low: Brawl, Intimidation

Combative Abilities

● Accelerated Precognition: While there are more uses for such than combat, their mind can see most paths and outcomes for the world around them. Far from perfect out-of-combat, it gives them something of an edge during a fight.
● Prowess: Using her aether, she can hone her accuracy, striking consistently, even against more formidable opponents.
● Ability: Description

Non-Combat Stats

● High: Awareness, Empathy, Expression
● Above Average: Alertness, Crafts, Investigation, Meditation, Science
● Average: Leadership, Medicine, Research, Subterfuge
● Low: Magitek, Politics, Seduction, Streetwise

Non-Combative Abilities

● Psychometric Flashback: Places or objects heavily imbued by aether or emotion can trigger brief flashbacks to something that occurred at the location or happened to the object. Most of the time, it's the most recent event. However, that's not always the case.
● Precognition (General): Usually in the form of dreams, they can catch glimpses of the future. These flashes are typically about things about to transpire. Such visions don't go much further than a year or so into the future.
While extremely vivid, these dreams are difficult to understand, as they don't immediately reveal all the necessary information. A form of trance allows them to be recalled with increasing clarity as the event approaches.
However, there's rarely perfect clarity to these visions.

OOC C ombat Preferences

Here are some basic thoughts on different combat methods throughout the XIV RP community!

✔ Contested Rolls: Flat /random between contested parties, highest roll 'wins'. Critical failures are 50 or below, while critical successes are 950 and above.
✔✔ d20 Based Systems: Everyone and everything has a target difficulty that must be reached to succeed.
✔✔ d10 Based Systems: As above, however, 10s are considered an additional level of success.
؟؟ Designated Personal Systems: Any combat system aside from the listed systems, typically designed by a player or an FC/LS.
؟؟؟ Free-form/Honour System: Non-roll based combat, typically runs off of the honour system.


■ Name: Rank
■ Name: Rank
■ Name: Rank

Relationship Status Legend

Here are some basic thoughts on different combat methods throughout the XIV RP community!

💞 Relationship💕 Romantic Attraction🍆 Physical Attraction💙 Complicated💛 Platonic Love
💱 Business👤 Acquaintance🎎 Friend🌀 Emotional Conflict⚰️ Deceased
➕ Positive➖ Negative⚪ Neutral⚫ Unsure 

Full Name

Relation Title


Full Name

Relation Title


Full Name

Relation Title


Full Name

Relation Title


Full Name

Relation Title


Full Name

Relation Title


Full Name

Relation Title


Full Name

Relation Title


Common Rumours

■ "Upala's Eorzean is impeccable, but I've not heard the rhythm used all that often. I believe it's from somewhere in the New World." — Momodi■ "Rumour." — Rumourmonger■ "Rumour." — Rumourmonger

Uncommon Rumours

■ "Rumour." — Rumourmonger■ "Rumour." — Rumourmonger■ "Rumour." — Rumourmonger

Rare Rumours

■ "Rumour." — Rumourmonger■ "Rumour." — Rumourmonger■ "Rumour." — Rumourmonger

Restricted Rumours

■ "Rumour." — Rumourmonger■ "Rumour." — Rumourmonger■ "Rumour." — Rumourmonger

Out of Character

Player Information
There is much information on this character carrd, but it is not completely comprehensive. There are chunks of backstories that are left intentionally vague so that details can be later added as developed through creative writing or role-play revelation. Feel free to use Common or Uncommon rumours freely; if you want to use a Rare Rumour as a plot hook or to spark RP, I ask that you send me a tell first to make certain it's alright.
Lore Adherence
Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt. Anything that has had to be changed because of lore shifting will be noted below.
■ No changes. Been pretty dead on with lore predictions.

Out of Character

Character Concepts
Happy-go-lucky artist/performer just starting their Hero's Journey.
■ In-Game: Upala Vidyut@Mateus
■ MS Code: Fulcrum
■ Discord: Available upon request
■ F-list: Available upon request
The following is only partially comprehensive but contains general credits for the outline of this carrd layout.
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.

Character Art

Character Art

Character Art

Character Art



